Radhai Investment

Our Disclaimer

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The information available on our website www.radhaiinvestment.com and any of our products is, Radhai Investment For the purposes of information and education. We don't know you so any information we provide does not take into account your individual circumstances, and should NOT be considered advice. Before investing or trading on the basis of our material, we encourage you to first, with regard to whether or not it is appropriate to your own particular financial circumstances, needs and objectives.

We believe the information we provide is correct. However we are not liable for any loss, claims, or damage incurred by any person, due to any errors or omissions, or as a consequence of the use or reliance on our website or products, or any information contained within.

Reference to any market, trading timeframe, analysis style or trading technique is for the purposes of information and education only. They are not to be considered a recommendation as being appropriate to your circumstances or needs.

All charting and analysis platforms referred to or used in our articles and videos have been chosen because of compatibility with our screen capture software. These charting and analysis platforms are being used to demonstrate and explain a trading concept, for the purposes of information and education only. They are not necessarily used by us in our live trading, and are in no way recommended as being suitable for your trading purposes.

All chart layouts (including timeframes, indicators and parameters) within our articles and videos are being used to demonstrate and explain a trading concept, for the purposes of information and education only. These chart layouts are not necessarily used by us in our live trading, and are in no way recommended as being suitable for your trading purposes.

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This website, blog and newsletter may contain content by guest authors. Any web links, or URLs, within any guest articles or videos are included as professional courtesy, and in many cases is a publishing requirement. However, please understand that their article or video has been included in our newsletter, website or blog, simply because we believe that article or video provides educational value for all traders. In no way are we providing an endorsement of the author's website, newsletter, courses, or any other materiel, unless specifically stated. In addition, we are not liable for any loss, claims, or damage incurred by any person, due to any errors or omissions, or as a consequence of the use or reliance on any third-party website or products, or any information contained within.

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You should always assume that the owner of this website and newsletter has an affiliate relationship, or some other form of referral relationship, with the providers of goods or services mentioned or linked to within our material, and may be compensated when you register with these providers or purchase their goods or services. You should conduct due diligence of all products or services before making any purchase decisions, to ensure that they meet your personal needs and that you understand and are satisfied with any terms and conditions and refund policy. We are not liable for any loss, claims, or damage incurred by any person, due to any errors or omissions, or as a consequence of the use or reliance on any third-party website or products, or any information contained within.

Never risk money that you cannot afford to lose.
Seriously, if you're new to trading then you ARE going to lose money. So, if you're in this to make money, please just leave my website, quit now and have a professional invest and manage your money. However if you're in this game because of a love of the markets and a love of the challenge of learning to master them, and you're willing to approach this in a businesslike manner with an appreciation for the management of risk, then welcome. I hope my website, newsletter and videos can help you on your journey. Of course, the way I trade is not necessarily right for you. None of my material should be considered advice. If you wish to try any of the concepts I talk about, test first in a simulation environment and do NOT risk any money in a live-trading environment until success has been proven. If you have any questions about this.